Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse
Professor of History and Theory of International Politics at the Free University Berlin

Vitae:Studies of Political Science, Sociology and Catholic Theology at the University of Bonn and at the Institute d'Etudes Politiques in Paris; there completion of doctorate (1987). From 1993 to 1996 Full Professor for International Politics at the University of Konstanz. In 95/96 Visiting Professor at the Department of Political Science Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. 1997 until 2001 Joint International Relations Chair at the Social and Political Sciences Department and the Robert Schuman Centre of the European University Institute, Florenz, Italy. Since 2001 Full Professor of History and Theory of International Politics at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences. From 2000 until 2002 Coordinator of the Network “Europeanization, Collective Identities, and Public Discourses” financed by the fifth Framework of the European Commission. From 2001 until 2002 Chair of the Project “When Europe Hits Home. Europeanization and National Public Discourses”, financed by the German Research Foundation in cooperation with Prof. Dr. B. Giesen, Konstanz. 2001 to 2003 Officer of the subproject “Theories of International Relations” in the Internet-Project PolitikON, financed by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research.
Research interest: Theories of International Politics, Transnational Relationships, Norms and Ideas in International Relationships, Europeanization and Intra-State Change, European Identity and Public Relation.