Anja Mante
Dipl. Sozialwissenschaftlerin Freie Universität Berlin Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft Graduiertenkolleg: „Pfade organisatorischer Prozesse“ Garystr. 21 D-14195 Berlin Tel.: 030/838-57180 Fax: 030/838-57186 Email: pfadkolleg @ |
Dissertation topic:
- Stabilization of Organizational Routines as Path Processes? Analyzing the Role of Partner Routines in Interorganizational Product Development Projects The dissertation project examines the role and influence of organizational rules and routines on the development of interorganizational co-operations. Recent studies stress the inertial impact of routines and thus their relevance for success or failure of the partnership. However it is still unclear how and why organizational routines have an effect on the course of the co-operation process. Focusing on the processes of stabilization and penetration of routines, the project will analyse the underlying dynamics and the impact of positive feedback effects in joint ventures.
Curriculum Vitae:
10/2005 - 03/2007 |
Assistant Lecturer at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin |
Since 04/2005 |
Member of the Doctoral Program "Research on Organizational Paths" |
07/2004 |
Diplom-Sozialwissen-schaftlerin, Humboldt-University of Berlin |
04/2004 |
Thesis ‚Competitive Co-operation? An analysis of intra- and interorgani-sational relations of a mobile radio firm' |
1997-2004 |
Studies of Social Sciences at Humboldt University, Berlin |
Job Experience and Internships:
- 2000 - 2003: Research Assistant at the Institute of Social Sciences, Humboldt University, Berlin
- 2000 - 2002: Research Assistant at DFG-Project: Development of Work Systems in an intra- and interorganisational Perspective
- 11/2001: Assistance in organizing an International Conference ‚Management of Change' at Humboldt University Berlin
- 05/2001-10/2001: Student trainee at Research Unit ‚Society and Technology' at DaimlerChrysler AG
Teaching Expierences:
- Proseminar, Summer 2002: Introduction to Organization Studies (with PD Dr. Karin Lohr, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
- Research Seminar, Winter 2005/06-2006/07: Organizational Change - Analyzing Social Processes (with PD Dr. Karin Lohr, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
Research Interests:
- Organization studies, interfirm networks
- New Institutional Economics and New Institutionalism in organizational analysis
- Micropolitics, Structuration theory
- Knowledge-based organizations and cooperations
- Botzem, S. / Mante, A. (2008): Acting upon Paths: Alternatives, Contestation and Fragile Stability in Path Dynamics, Paper präsentiert auf der Pfadkonferenz „Studying Path Dependencies of Businesses, Institutions and Technologies“ an der Freien Universität Berlin, 28. - 29. Februar, 2008.
- Mante, A. / Sydow, J. (2008): Inter-organizational Routines: Coordinating R&D Practices in International Alliances, Paper präsentiert im Rahmen des 32. Workshops der Wissenschaftskommission "Organisation", München, LMU, 21. - 22. Februar 2008.
- Mante, A. (2008): Memorandum zum 1. Innovationsforum der Gottlieb Daimler- und Karl Benz-Stiftung
- Botzem, S. / Mante, A.(2007): Agency Matters but When and How? Reinterpreting Path Dynamics of Transnational Standardization Processes, Paper präsentiert auf dem 23. EGOS Colloquium Vienna 2007“Beyond Waltz – Dances of Individuals and Organization”, Sub-theme 14: Path Dependencies and Beyond, Wien, 5. - 7. Juli 2007.
- Mante, A./ Sydow, J.(2007): Inter-organizational Routines: Coordinating R&D Practices in International Alliances Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on "Organizational Routines: Empirical Research and Conceptual Foundations" in Strasbourg, Frankreich, 25. - 26. Mai 2007.
- Botzem, S./ Mante, A.(2006): “Acting upon Paths – Generating, Perpetuating and Restricting Momentum”, Paper präsentiert auf dem EIASM Workshop on "Organizing Paths – Paths of Organizing", Freie Universität Berlin, 3. - 4. November 2006.