John Lüttel
Dipl. Vw. Freie Universität Berlin Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft Graduiertenkolleg: „Pfade organisatorischer Prozesse“ Garystr. 21 D-14195 Berlin Tel.: 030/838-57180 Fax: 030/838-57186 Email: pfadkolleg @ |
Dissertation topic:
- The Inception and Escalation of Commitment in Organizations The aim of the research is to explore the potentialities of the theory of path dependency to explain the inception and escalation of commitment to inefficient strategic decisions in organizations. To this end, the development of the Bankgesellschaft Berlin AG from 1994 to 2000 will be studied.
Curriculum Vitae: |
Since 2005 |
Member of the Doctoral Program "Research on Organizational Paths" |
2005 |
Master Thesis: "Path Dependency and its relationship to Evolutionary Economics" |
2000 – 2005 |
Study of Economics, Free University Berlin |
Research Interests:
- Systemic and evolutionary theories of organizational development
- Escalation of Commitment