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Winter Term 2009/2010

Prof. Engler will offer the following courses:


  • Lecture/Tutorial in Monetary and Fiscal Policy (Nr. 10 4021/2)
    Module: Monetary and Fiscal Policy (Component Finance and Political Economy)
    Time: Tue: 2-4 p.m. (Lecture, room 105)
              Fri: 2-4 p.m. (Tutorial once every two weeks, room 105) 
    Students should take the course in Monetary Theory first.

  • Lecture/Tutorial in Macroeconomic Analysis (Nr. 10 4003/4)
    Module: Macroeconomic Analysis (Core Component)
    Time: Mon: 12-2 p.m. (Lecture)
             Fri: 2-4 p.m. (Tutorial once every two weeks)


  • Lecture/Tutorial in Monetary Policy (Nr. 10 042040)
    Elective Compulsory Course (Economic Policy)
    Time: Tue: 2-4 p.m. (Lecture)
              Fri: 2-4 p.m. (Tutorial once every two weeks) 
    Students should take the course in Monetary Theory first.

  • Lecture/Tutorial in Macroeconomic Analysis (Nr. 10 041031)
    Elective Compulsory Course (Economic Theory)
    Time: Mon: 12-2 p.m. (Lecture)
             Fri: 2-4 p.m. (Tutorial once every two weeks)


  • Research Seminar in Economics
    Time: Wed: 6 p.m. (Room: Kaminzimmer Boltzmannstr. 20)
    This is an academic research seminar. Advanced  Diploma, Master and PhD students are welcome. (No ABV points)