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Dr. Tamás Keller

Tamas Keller

Tamas Keller

Dr. Tamás Keller holds a PhD in sociology and serves as a researcher at TÁRKI Social Research Inc. (http://www.tarki.hu/en/about/staff/kelt/keller_cv.html ). He spends the academic year 2013/2014 at Free University of Berlin as an Alexander von Humboldt Post-Doctoral Researcher (http://www.humboldt-foundation.de/web/humboldt-fellowship-postdoc.html).

He is currently working on projects explaining inequality in educational opportunity. His project as an Alexander von Humboldt research fellow is about the choice for tertiary education in Germany and a special attention is dedicated to the role of subjectively estimated success in this process. 

Current Research Projects:

Selecting the selected? A silbing-analysis on tertiary education transition in Germany
Collaborator: Guido Neidhöfer

Self-assessment and educational transitions – an analysis on Hungarian educational panel data
Supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund OTKA http://www.otka.hu/en                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Other Projects :

He also participates currently in other educational project like eduLIFE (http://edulife.soziologie-blossfeld.de/Home.191.0.html) and the EU FP6 project ‘Level and inequality in educational returns in Europe (EDUREU)’.

Homepage of Tamás Keller: http://www.tarki.hu/en/about/staff/kelt/keller_cv.html

Research Seminar in Economics