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Moritz Kleinaltenkamp



Garystr. 21
14195 Berlin
Room 332

Office hours

By arrangement. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail.

Academic Positions

Since 01/24         Postdoctoral Fellow, Freie Universität Berlin | Berlin, Germany

01/23–12/23        Postdoctoral Fellow, Copenhagen Business School | Copenhagen, Denmark

Since 11/22         Fellow, Hertie School | Berlin, Germany

                            Centre for Digital Governance


2018–2022         Hertie School | Berlin, Germany                                                                    
                           Dr. rer. pol., Governance

            • Runner-up - OMT Division Best Paper Award at AOM 2021
            • Nominatee - Louis Pondy Best Dissertation Paper Award at AOM 2023
            • Scholarships from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation and the Hertie School

2017–2018         University of Cambridge | Cambridge, United Kingdom

                           MPhil, Technology Policy

            • Graduated with Examiner’s Commendation

2016–2018         Peking University | Beijing, China

                           ME, China Studies – Economics & Management

2012–2016         Freie Universität Berlin | Berlin, Germany

                           BA, Political Science

Practical Experience

Since 03/23        European Commission, DG RTD | Brussels, Belgium

                            Expert, Innovation-Friendly Regulations Advisory Group (IFRAG)

            • Supporting the DG for Research and Innovation with high-level policy advice on the use and governance of emerging digital technologies.

09/21-11/22        PUBLIC | Berlin, Germany

                           Lead, Intelligence & Insights (4 months)

            • Built and managed a team of researchers conceptualizing and delivering proprietary as well as public-facing reports in the field of emerging technologies, government digitalisation, and strategic innovation.

                           Senior Associate (6 months) / Analyst (5 months)

            • Led client-facing consulting projects in the field of emerging technologies,government digitization, and strategic innovation. Also conceptualized, pitched, and delivered an original, public-facing research project in the field of public sector APIs. 

07/18–08/18       PwC Germany, Strategy&, Public Sector Advisory | Berlin, Germany

                           Consulting Intern

            • With Strategy&, worked on a digitisation project for a German public-sector client.

03/18–05/18       European Commission, DG CNECT | Brussels, Belgium

                           Pro Bono Policy Consultant

            • Supported the development of an EU-wide cybersecurity policy framework.

04/15–06/16        DST IT Consulting | Düsseldorf, Germany         

                            Project Manager (6 months)

            • Conceptualised and managed the implementation of an internal, digital communication platform.

                             Student Assistant (8 months)

            • Supported consultants through the development of consulting materials, and on-site client engagement.

Research Interests

In my research, I leverage lenses from organization and management theory (OMT) such as temporality, performativity, and institutional theory to study how actors strategically envision and realize future visions, attempt to shape materiality and nascent markets, and how they navigate tensions vis-à-vis existing institutional regimes in these processes.

Refereed Publications

Kleinaltenkamp, MJ & Ansari, S. 2024. Blockchain and the Performativity of Emerging Technology Theories. In M. Barrett, E. Vaast, A. Langley & H. Tsoukas (Eds.), Organizing in the Digital Age: A Process View. Oxford University Press.

Kleinaltenkamp, M, Kleinaltenkamp, MJ, & Karpen, IO. 2023. Resource Entanglement and Indeterminacy: Advancing Service-Dominant Logic through the Philosophy of Karen Barad. Marketing Theory, online first.

Cihon, P, Kleinaltenkamp, MJ, Schuett, J & Baum, S. 2021. AI Certification: Advancing Ethical Practice by Reducing Information Asymmetries. IEEE Transactions on Technology & Society, 2(4), 200–209.

Kleinaltenkamp, M, Karpen, IO & Kleinaltenkamp, MJ. 2021. A Sense-based Perspective on Market Shaping: Theorizing Strategies for the Origination and Propagation of New Resource Linkages. Industrial Marketing Management100, 145–156.

Conference Publications

Kleinaltenkamp, MJ. 2023. Infrastructures for Institutional Change: Inscription and the Role of Technological Prefiguration. Proceedings of the 83rd Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Kleinaltenkamp, MJ. 2021. Living in the Future or Living in the Now? How Institutional Change Agents Engage Ambi-Temporality. Short Paper in the Best Paper Proceedings of the 81st Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Kleinaltenkamp, MJ. 2019. Interstitial Space in Cyberspace: A Mixed-Methods Exploration of Cypherpunk Practices. Proceedings of the 79th Academy of Management Annual Meeting. 

Other Publications

Breaugh, J, Hammerschmid, G & Kleinaltenkamp, MJ. 2023. Das Potenzial von GovTech nutzen? Zurück zu den Start-ups! Handelsblatt Journal. URL: https://veranstaltungen.handelsblatt.com/journal/hb-journal-042023-govtech/#Seite_1

Kleinaltenkamp, MJ, Simon, A & Rittler, AM. 2022. Öffentliche APIs und GovTech – Mit Interoperabilität Innovation fördern. PUBLIC Deutschland. URL: https://de.public.io/report-post/offentliche-apis-und-govtech-mit-interoperabilitat-innovation-fordern

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