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Elektronische Forschungsplattformen (EFP) für Verbundprojekte

Research projects are increasingly digitized, international, interdisciplinary and collaborative. Especially, research associations require a digitized and networked infrastructure that can support a variety of tasks at different levels but the market of such IT-solutions is highly fragmented and nontransparent. For this reason the research project “Elektronische Forschungsplattformen (EFP) für Verbundprojekte” committed itself to create a basic overview. On the one hand this should uncover the requirements of existing research associations and the solutions used in each case and on the other hand provide an initial "orientation map" of available functionalities and solutions which can be used during the application process and for self-organization of currently emerging research associations like Focus Area DynAge.

Project duration: 2015/11/01 – 2016/03/31
Contact: Prof. Dr. Martin Gersch; Solveig Bier
Project budget: E-Club-Brückenprojekt
Project partners:

Freie Universität Berlin:

Prof. Dr. Martin Gersch

Department of Information Systems/ School of Business & Economics

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lauri Wessel

Department of Information Systems/ School of Business & Economics

Prof. Dr. Robert Tolksdorf

Institute of Computer Science/ Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Prof. Dr. Nina Knoll

Health Psychology/ Department of Education and Psychology
Goal/ Research question: Development of a typical „catalog of requirements“ for research associations with regards to the use of Elektronischer Forschungsplattformen (EFP) as infrastructural basis for co-operation as well as the establishment of an „orientation map“ of the basically available IT-solutions.



Competence Center E-Commerce
Entrepreneurial Network University (ENU)
016 DynAge_BildWort_RGB_RZ_WEB
Department Information Systems