Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lauri Wessel
Room 328
14195 Berlin
Office hours
Upon appointment
University education
August 2013 - today
Freie Universität Berlin
Postdoc am Department Wirtschaftsinformatik
Focus Area „Disease in Human Aging: Dynamics at the Level of Molecules, Individuals, and Society“ (Exzellenzinitiative II)
2008 - July 2013
Freie Universität Berlin
PhD at the Chair of Business Administration
dissertation project: „Inscribing as Institutional Work: A Case Study of the Implementation of an Inter-Organizational Information System in a German Integrated Care Network“
2004 - 2008
Freie Universität Berlin
Course of studies: Business Administration, degree: Diplomkaufmann
Diploma thesis on: "Perspective of Creative Industries: Projekt Networks in Production of Online Content between Relational Competitive Advantages and Path Dependency"
2003 - 2004
Georg August Universität Göttingen
Study of Anglistics, degree: Neuenglischschein (New English Certificate)
Professional experience
Seit 2008
Freie Universität Berlin
Chair of Prof. Dr. Gersch
Research Associate for the „Innoweb 3.0“ project at the Chair of Business Administration, in the focus area "Organization and Management" for General Professional Preparation
Burning Heart Records Germany
2004 - 2008
PETA Deutschland e.V.
Working Student
2003 - 2004
Städtische Archäologie Göttingen
Student Assistant
Seit 2002
Independent Music Journalist
Independent personal services for amongst others „Ox“ magazine, „Klangstelle.net/Spiegel Online“, „Piranha“ magazine, „Pleasure Snowboard“ magazine
1999 - 2008
ROTERFADEN.org (Online music magazine)
Founder, publisher and chief editor
Research interests
- Health-IT
- Health care innovation
- Information systems research
Organizational theory, in particular framework of new institutionalism
Journal articles
Schüßler, E., Wessel, L., & Gersch, M. 2012. “Taking stock: Capability development in interorganizational projects”, in: sbr, Schmalenbach Business Review (64), pp. 171-186. [Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the colloquia of EGOS and IRNOP in 2009 and at the 35th Workshop of the Community of German Organization Researchers (WK ORG) 2011].
Wessel, L., Gersch, M., & Goeke, C. 2010. “Netzwerk-Ambidextrie: Ist eine Balance explorativen und exploitativen Lernens auch in Netzwerken möglich?“, in: Stephan, M., & Kerber, W. (Eds.): Jahrbuch Strategisches Kompetenz Management Vol. 4 (2010), Munich: Hampp, pp. 121-147. [An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 6th colloquium on competence-based strategic management in September 2009 in Marburg, Germany].
Gersch, M., Goeke, C., & Wessel, L. 2009. “Interorganisationale Routinen – Entstehung, Implikationen sowie Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer zielgerichteten Gestaltung“, in: Zeitschrift für Management (4), Special Issue: “Evolutionäre Prozesse und Emergenz in und zwischen Organisationen“, pp. 209-234. [German]
Book chapters
Gersch, M., & Wessel, L. 2012. “Diffusionshemmnisse innovativer AAL- und E-Health-Anwendungen”. German textbook chapter on business model innovation in the German health care system. Forthcoming in a series of teaching material of the Chair of Health Management at the Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Conference contributions (2012)
Wessel, L., & Gersch, M. 2012. “Fine tuning institutional analysis: Technology, agency and an example of practices in transition”. 72nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, OMT Division, August 3rd - August 7th, Boston, USA. [Earlier versions of this paper were presented at EGOS 2011, the colloquium on competence-based strategic management 2011 and at the 36th Workshop of the Community of German Organization Researchers (WK ORG) 2012].
Wessel, L., & Klaußner, S. 2012. “In the shadow of the legitimate: Abusive supervision and the institutionalization of inequality”. 28th Colloquium of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Helsinki, Finland. Sub-theme: “Institutional Work and the Institutionalization of Inequality” convened by Tom Lawrence, Kamal Munir and John Amis.
Other publications
Gersch, M., Wessel, L., Schröder, S., Rüsike, T., Meroth, L. 2010. „Diffusionshemmnisse besonderer Versorgungsformen - Verdichtete Zusammenfassung ausgewählter Ergebnisse einer Delphi-Analyse mit Experten des CCEC Branchen-Panels ‚Transformation des deutschen Gesundheitswesens‘ zwischen Mai und Oktober 2010“, in: Engelhardt, W.H., Gabriel, R., Gersch, M. (Eds.): Trendberichte des Branchen-Panels "Transformation des deutschen Gesundheitswesens" am Competence Center E-Commerce, Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft sowie Institut für Unternehmensführung der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.