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Annette Hausmann


Garystr. 21
Room 334
14195 Berlin
+49 (0) 30 838 4 52245

Office hours

Wednesday, 11.00 - 12.00 a.m.

(during semester breaks: upon appointment)

University education

Since 2012
Freie Universität Berlin
Post-graduate student at the Department of Information Systems, Chair of Business Administration with a specialization in General Professional Preparation in the Competence Area Organization and Management.

1997 - 2005
Freie Universität Berlin
Course of study: Business Administration, degree: Diplom-Kauffrau
Thesis topic: „Kennzahlensysteme in der BWL: Simulation mittels Particle Filter in Anwendung“

2002 - 2003
Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Semester abroad in context of the european Erasmus program


Professional experience

Since 2012
Freie Universität Berlin
Chair of Prof. Dr. Gersch
Research Associate

2006 - 2012
Feller Technologie GmbH, Düsseldorf

Assistant of the management board & Product Manager

2011 - 2012
Feller Technologie GmbH AHL Istanbul, Turkey
Registered Manager, Market development Turkey

2005 - 2006
Wüstenrot & Württembergische AG / BHW, Berlin
Independent service provider in the financial sector

2004 - 2005
DaimlerChrysler AG, Berlin
Working Student

1998 - 2003
Freie Universität Berlin, FB Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Student Assistant, Teaching Assistant at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics

Competence Center E-Commerce
Entrepreneurial Network University (ENU)
016 DynAge_BildWort_RGB_RZ_WEB
Department Information Systems