SoKIP – Exploration Project AI in nursing: Framework, Data, Prerequisites
Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Daniel Fürstenau (FUB, ECDF)
Project Participants: Matthias Schulte-Althoff (FUB), Prof. Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann (Uni-Bremen), Dominik Domhoff (Uni-Bremen), Kathrin Seibert (Uni-Bremen), Sarah Theune (Vediso), Prof. Dr. Felix Biessemann (Beuth Hochschule), Anastasia Blank (FUB)
Project overview: AI is positioned as a decisive technology for the solution of many current challenges being assessed among care givers and nurses. We have set out to identify the means for successful research in this field and to develop a framework for the implementation of future artificial intelligence research projects in nursing settings. Together with the Department of Nursing Care Research at the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Care Research (IPP) at the University of Bremen, Beuth Hochschule, and the Association for Digitization in the Social Economy (Vediso) and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the current project (SoKIP) strives to adopt a participatory approach, as we gather insight and promote interdisciplinary collaboration for the implementation of AI systems in nursing. Our research will address AI systems outside of robotics and in this effort we will explore the best practices in the development of targeted AI solutions in nursing; It is of great importance to explore those areas most relevant to the needs of care givers, while simultaeneously taking into consideration the opinions and needs of the the broad range of those participating in the nursing care field, including the people in need of care.
Sponsored by: Bundesminesterium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)