- Integration of Information and Optimization Models for Routing in City Logistics, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol. 177, Springer, New York
Edited Books
- C. D Cottrill, J. F. Ehmke, F. Klügl, S. Timpf (2016): Computational Challenges in Cooperative Intelligent Urban Transport. Dagstuhl Reports, Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp. 119-146.
Refereed Journal Papers
- L. D. Smith, J. F. Ehmke (2016): A Mathematical Programming Technique for Matching Time-stamped Records When Mining Data from Logistics and Transportation Systems. Transportation Research - Part C: Emerging Technologies. No. 69, 375-385, doi:10.1016/j.trc.2016.06.007.
- J. F. Ehmke, A. M. Campbell, B. W. Thomas (2016): Vehicle Routing to Minimize Time-Dependent Emissions in Urban Areas. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 251, No. 2, 478-494, doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2015.11.034.
- J. F. Ehmke, A. M. Campbell, B. W. Thomas (2016): Data-Driven Approaches for Emissions-Minimized Paths in Urban Areas. Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 67, 34-47, doi:10.1016/j.cor.2015.08.013.
- V. Schmid, J. F. Ehmke (2015): Integrated timetabling and vehicle scheduling with balanced departure times. OR Spectrum, Vol. 37, No. 4, 903-928, doi 10.1007/s00291-015-0398-7.
- J. F. Ehmke, A. M. Campbell, T. Urban (2015): Ensuring Service Levels in Routing Problems with Time Windows and Stochastic Travel Times. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 240, No. 2, 539-550, doi 10.1016/j.ejor.2014.06.045.
- C. Cleophas, J. F. Ehmke (2014): When are deliveries profitable? Considering order value and transport capacity in demand fulfillment for last-mile deliveries in metropolitan areas. BISE - Business & Information Systems Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 3, 153-163, doi 10.1007/s12599-014-0321-9.
- J. F. Ehmke, A. M. Campbell (2014): Customer Acceptance Mechanisms for Attended Home Deliveries in Metropolitan Areas. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 233, No. 1, 193-207.
- L. D. Smith, R. M. Nauss, J. F. Ehmke, D. C. Mattfeld (2012): Analytical Modeling for the Strategic Design of Service Systems. lnternational Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1-15.
- J. Ehmke, A. Steinert, D. C. Mattfeld (2012): Advanced Routing for City Logistics Service Providers based on Time-Dependent Travel Times. Journal of Computational Science, Vol. 4, No. 3, 193-205.
- J. Ehmke, S. Meisel, D. C. Mattfeld (2012): Floating Car Based Travel Times for City Logistics. Transportation Research - Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 21, No. 1, 338-352.
- J. Ehmke, D. C. Mattfeld (2012): Einsatz tageszeitabhängiger Fahrzeiten für die verlässliche Tourenplanung in der City Logistik. Straßenverkehrstechnik 2/2012, 73-81 (German language).
- J. Ehmke, D. Großhans, D. C. Mattfeld, L. D. Smith (2011): Interactive Analysis of Discrete-Event Logistics Systems with Support of a Data Warehouse. Computers In Industry, Vol. 62, No. 6, 578-586.
- L. D. Smith, R. M. Nauss, D. C. Mattfeld, J. Li, J. F. Ehmke, M. Reindl (2011): Scheduling Operations at System Choke Points with Sequence-Dependent Delays and Processing Times. Transportation Research - Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 47, No. 5, 669-680.
- J. Ehmke, D. Mattfeld (2010): Data Allocation and Application for Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing in City Logistics. European Transport – International Journal of Transport Economics, Engineering and Law, No. 46, 1-12.
- J. Ehmke, S. Meisel, S. Engelmann, D. Mattfeld (2009): Data Chain Management for Planning in City Logistics. International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management, Vol. 1, no. 4, 335-356.
- J. Ehmke, S. Meisel: Charakterisierung des städtischen Straßenverkehrs mit Floating Car Data und Data Mining. Straßenverkehrstechnik 10/2008, 613-620 (German language).
Refereed contributions to books
- L. Douglas Smith, R. M. Nauss, L. Xu, J. Zhang, J. F. Ehmke, L. Hellmann (2016): Information Technologies and Analytical Models for Strategic Design of Transportation Infrastructure. Forthcoming.
L. Douglas Smith, L. Xu, Z. Wang, D. Pan, L. Hellmann, J. F. Ehmke (2015): Application of discrete-event simulation to capacity planning at a commercial airport. In: Computational Logistics, LNCS 9335, 719-733.
- L. Douglas Smith, J. F. Ehmke, D. C. Mattfeld, R. Waning, L. Hellmann (2014): Strategic Decision Support for Airside Operations at Commercial Airports. International Conference on Computational Logistics, LNCS 8760, Springer.
- J. Ehmke, D. Mattfeld (2011): Integration of information and optimization models for vehicle routing in urban areas, in: The State of the Art in the European Quantitative Oriented Transportation and Logistics Research – 14th Euro Working Group on Transportation & 26th Mini Euro Conference & 1st European Scientific Conference on Air Transport. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Vol. 20, 110-119.
- J. Ehmke, S. Meisel, D. Mattfeld (2010): Floating Car Data Based Analysis of Urban Travel Times for the Provision of Traffic Quality; in: J. Barceló, M. Kuwahara: Traffic Data Collection and its Standardization, 129-150, Springer publisher
Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings
- J. F. Ehmke, D. C. Mattfeld, L. Albrecht (2016): Position Paper: Combining Mobility Services by Customer-Induced Orchestration. RecTour 2016 - Workshop on Recommenders in Tourism held in conjunction with the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys), Boston, USA
- L. Douglas Smith, J. F. Ehmke (2015): A Mathematical Programming Model for Matching Sequential Activities in Logistics Systems with Tolerance for Erroneous or Missing Data. In: Proceedings of HICSS 2016 (to appear).
- A. M. Campbell, J. F. Ehmke, B. W. Thomas (2015): Minimizing Time and Load-Dependent Emissions in Vehicle Routing for Urban Areas. In: Proceedings of Odysseus 2015 (to appear).
- P.-O. Groß, M. W. Ulmer, J. F. Ehmke, D. C. Mattfeld (2015): Exploiting Travel Time Information for Reliable Routing in City Logistics. In: Transportation Reseach Procedia, Vol. 10, 652-661, doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2015.09.019.
- P.-O. Groß, M. Geisinger, J. F. Ehmke, D. C. Mattfeld (2015): Interval Travel Times for More Reliable Routing in City Logistics. In: Proceedings of City Logistics 2015 (to appear).
- A. Winter, R. Alt, J. F. Ehmke, R. Haux, D. Mattfeld, A. Oberweis, B. Paech (2014): Customer-enabled orchestration of complex services: A new paradigm even for health care? Proceedings of 48th Annual Conference of the DGBMT, to appear.
- A. Landau, D. C. Mattfeld, J. F. Ehmke (2014): Multi-perspective Data Analysis of Drivers’ Navigation Behaviour, in: Proceedings of The European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Tel Aviv.
V. Schmid, J. F. Ehmke (2013): Integrated timetabling and vehicle scheduling for periods of low demand, in: Proceedings of the X Metaheuristics International Conference, August 4-8, Singapore
J. F. Ehmke, A. M. Campbell (2013): Decision Support for Attended Last-Mile Deliveries in Metropolitan Areas, in: Proceedings of "75. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft", May 23-25, Würzburg, Germany
- A. Landau, J. F. Ehmke, D. C. Mattfeld (2013): Personalization of Travel Times for Personal Navigation Systems, in: Proceedings of European Navigation Conference, April 23-25, Vienna, Austria
- R. M. Nauss, L. D. Smith, D. C. Mattfeld, J. Ehmke, J. Li (2012): Staged Queue Scheduling with Sequence-Dependent Changeover and Processing Times, in: Proceedings of Western Decision Sciences Institute 41st Annual Meeting, April 3-6, 2012
- J. Ehmke, D. Mattfeld (2012): Nutzung von Floating Car Data zur verlässlichen Routenplanung in der City Logistik, iin: Löwner, M.-O.; Hillen, F.; Wohlfahrt, R.: Tagungsband Geoinformatik 2012, 28.-30. März 2012, 75-82, Shaker (German language)
- A. Landau, J. Ehmke, D. Mattfeld (2012): Analyse des Routenwahlverhaltens von Autofahrern mit Geografischen Informationssystemen, in: Löwner, M.-O.; Hillen, F.; Wohlfahrt, R.: Tagungsband Geoinformatik 2012, 28.-30. März 2012, 91-99, Shaker (German language)
- L. D. Smith, D. C. Mattfeld, J. Ehmke, J. Li (2012): Scheduling Logistics Activities in Staged Queues with Sequence-Dependent Changeover and Processing Times, in: Proceedings of 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1296-1305
- J. Görmer, J. Ehmke, M. Fiosins,D. Schmidt, H. Schumacher, H. Tchouankem (2011): Decision Support For Dynamic City Traffic Management Using Vehicular Communication, in: Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications. Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
- J. Ehmke, D. Mattfeld (2011): Vehicle Routing for Attended Home Delivery in City Logistics, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on City Logistics, Mallorca, Spain. Outstanding Paper Award.
- J. Ehmke, D. Mattfeld (2011): Einsatz tageszeitabhängiger Fahrzeiten für die verlässliche Tourenplanung in der City Logistik, in: Proceedings of HEUREKA '11. Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen, Köln (German language)
- J. Ehmke, D. Mattfeld (2010): Data Allocation and Application for Time-Dependent Delivery in Urban Areas, in: Selected Proceedings of WCTR 2010, Lisbon.
- J. Ehmke, D. Mattfeld (2010): Bereitstellung von tageszeitabhängigen Fahrzeiten für die Tourenplanung in Ballungsräumen; in: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2010, Göttingen, Germany (German language).
- J. Ehmke, D. Mattfeld (2009): Data allocation and application for time-dependent vehicle routing in city logistics, in: Proceedings of EWGT 2009, Padua.
- J. Ehmke, S. Meisel (2008): Ermittlung dynamischer Fahrzeiten für die City-Logistik, in: Mattfeld, D.; Voß, S.; Suhl, L.; Günther, H.-O.: Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme in Supply Chain Management, Logistik und Transport. Paderborn, 2008. (German language)
- J. Ehmke, D. Mattfeld (2006): Modellierung des Informationssystems für Car-Sharing-Anwendungen, in: Mattfeld, D.; Suhl, L.: Informationssysteme in Transport und Verkehr. Paderborn, 2008. (German language)
Working Papers
- J. F. Ehmke, A. M. Campbell, B. W. Thomas (2016): Optimizing for Costs and Emissions in Vehicle Routing in Urban Areas
- P. Vogel, J. F. Ehmke, D. C. Mattfeld (2014): Decision Support for Service Network Design of Bike Sharing Systems
- C. Cottrill, J. Ehmke, G. Geers, Ichibi, F. Klügl, S. Timpf (2014): Ichibi – Everything you ever wanted in a multi-modal travel app. In: Geers, G.; Sester, M.; Winter, S.; Wolfson, O. E.: Social Issues in Computational Transportation Science (Dagstuhl Seminar 13512).