Dr. Alexander Gabriel

Academic and professional background
studies of business administration at the Freie Universitaet Berlin with focus on accounting and auditing, business taxation, law
diploma thesis: Prüfung von Nachhaltigkeitsberichten - eine empirische Analyse
student assistant at the institute for business auditing and taxation, particularly accounting and auditing (Prof. Dr. Klaus Ruhnke), Freie Universitaet Berlin
2010 - 2014
research assistant at the institute for business auditing and taxation, particularly accounting and auditing (Prof. Dr. Klaus Ruhnke), Freie Universitaet Berlin
working student with HDI Versicherung, Berlin
internship with Ernst & Young, Assurance department, Berlin
Determinants of voluntary assurance on sustainability reports – an empirical analysis, together with Klaus Ruhnke, published in: Journal of Business Economics 2013, DOI 10.1107/s11573-013-0686
in collaboration with Marten, K.-U./Quick, R./Ruhnke, K. (2011): Wirtschaftsprüfung – Grundlagen des betriebswirtschaftlichen Prüfungswesens nach nationalen und internationalen Normen, 4th edition Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuttgart