Dr. Karsten Asbahr

2007 - 2010:
Studies of business adminsitration (B.Sc.) at the University of Mannheim
Winter semester 2009/10:
Semester abroad at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA
2010 - 2013:
Studies of business administration (M. Sc.) at the University of Mannheim
Master thesis: "Kritische Würdigung der Entscheidungsnützlichkeit der Risikoberichterstattung zu Finanzinstrumenten nach IFRS 7 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung kognitiver Informationsverarbeitungsprozesse der Berichtsadressaten" (critical appraisal of the decision usefulness of risk reporting for financial instruments according to IFRS 7 taking particularly into the account the report recipients' cognitive information processing)
Winter semester 2011/12:
Semester abroad at the Stockholms Universitet, Stockholm, Sweden
2008 - 2013:
University of Mannheim
Student assistant at the International Office of the Dean's Office of the Business School
Internship in the Corporate Governance, Risk and Compliance department
Internship in the Audit/Assurance department
Internhsip in the Audit/Assurance department
- in collaboration with Marten, K.-U./Quick, R./Ruhnke, K. (2015): Wirtschaftsprüfung – Grundlagen des betriebswirtschaftlichen Prüfungswesens nach nationalen und internationalen Normen, 5. Auflage, Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuttgart