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Dr. Laura Dobbins

Laura Brandstetter2


Curriculum Vitae

2005 A-Levels
2006 – 2009 Studies at the University of Passau: Business Administration and Economics (B. Sc.)
2009 – 2010 Internships in Munich and New York City
2010 – 2012 Studies at the Free University of Berlin: Finance, Accounting, Taxation & Supplements (M. Sc.)
2011 – 2012 Teaching Assistant at the Institute for Auditing and Taxation of Prof. Dr. Jochen Hundsdoerfer, Freie Universität Berlin
from october 2012

Research assistant at the Institute for Auditing and Taxation of Prof. Dr. Jochen Hundsdoerfer, Free University of Berlin


Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) with the thesis Firm Reactions around a Corporate Tax Cut: Four Empirical Essays

Dobbins, Laura, und Martin Jacob (2013): "Do Corporate Tax Cuts Increase Investments?", Accounting and Business Research, forthcoming.

Brandstetter, Laura (2014): "Do Corporate Tax Cuts Reduce International Profit Shifting?", FU Berlin School of Business & Economics Discussion Paper 2014/10.

Buslei, Hermann, Laura Brandstetter, Natalie Roetker, und Martin Simmler (2012): "Zinsschranke greift trotz Freigrenze", DIW Wochenbericht 19/2012.