Dipl.-Kfm. Rainer Zeichhardt

Research Assistant
Boltzmannstr. 20
Room 224a
14195 Berlin
Room 224a
14195 Berlin
Academic Background
- 10/97 - 03/99 Undergraduate Degree in Business Administration at FU Berlin
- 04/98 - 02/99 student employee at CeDiS (Center für Digitale Systeme) at FU Berlin.
- 03/99 - 09/99 copywriter at advertising agency "Jung von Matt"; Hamburg.
- 10/99 - 05/03 Postgraduate Degree in Business Administration ("Diplom-Kaufmann"); FU Berlin
- 05/03 Master Thesis: "Humour as complementary key qualification for managers"
- 06/03 - 09/05 Lecturer / Research Assistant at Institute of General Business Adminstration; FU Berlin (Chair of Enviromental and Ecological Management; Prof. Stitzel)
- since 10/05 Lecturer / Research Assistant at Institute of Management; FU Berlin (Chair of Inter-firm Cooperation; Prof. Sydow).
Field of Research
- Management Research
- Managementtrainings
- Conflicts in Organisations
- All Forms of Comic in Organisations