Dr. Frank Lerch

Research Assistant (external project)
Room K44
14195 Berlin
Academic Background
- 1996 - 1998 Undergraduate Degree Course in Business Administration at the Freie Universitaet Berlin
- 1998 - 1999 Visiting Student at the University of Warwick, Warwick Business School: Management Science, Operations Management and Industrial Relations (Final Year)
- 1999 - 2002 Postgraduate Degree Course in Business Administration (Diplom – equivalent to MBA) at the Freie Universität Berlin; Master Thesis: Modul- and System-Partnerships in the Field of optical Technologies from a relational Perspective – Strategic Implications from the Automobile Industry, Master Thesis in collaboration with Berliner Glas KGaA
- 1997 - 2001 Internships at Daimler Benz AG resp. DaimlerChrysler AG, Werk Berlin
- 1999 - 2002 Student Assistant at the Institute of Business Administration
- Since 2002 Research Fellow at the Institute of Management
- October 2005 and July/August 2006 research at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
- December 2006/January 2007 research at the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
- March 2009 founder and CEO of Network Research & Consulting UG
- Lerch, F. (2009): Netzwerkdynamiken im Cluster: Optische Technologien in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg. Dissertation-Online der Freien Universität Berlin.
Articles (double blind)
- Lerch, F./Sydow, J./Wilhelm, M. (2007): Wenn Wettbewerber zu Kooperationspartnern (gemacht) werden – Einsichten aus zwei Netzwerken in einem Cluster optischer Technologien. In: Schreyögg, G./Sydow, J. (Hrsg.): Managementforschung 17. Gabler. Wiesbaden, 207-255.
- Hibbert, P./Huxham, C./Sydow, J./Lerch, F. (2010): Barriers to process learning: Authority and anomy in regional clusters. In: Management Learning (im Druck)
- Sydow, J./Lerch, F./Staber, U. (2010): Planning for path dependence? The case of a network in the Berlin-Brandenburg optics cluster. In: Economic Geography 86(2), 173-195.
- Sydow, J./Lerch, F./Huxham, C./Hibbert, P. (2011): A silent cry for leadership: Organizing for leading (in) clusters. In: Leadership Quarterly 22 (im Druck).
Articles, book chapters, and working papers
- Sydow, J./ Lerch, F. (2007): Developing Photonics Clusters – Commonalities, Contrasts and Contradictions. AIM Working Paper. Advanced Institute of Management Research (AIM), London.
- Blümel, C./Heidler, R./Lerch, F. (2007): Struktur vor Entscheidung. Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion der Governance am Beispiel der Blockmodellanalyse eines interorganisationalen Netzwerkes. In: Wagner, D./Lattemann, C./Kupke, S./Legel, A. (eds.): Governance-Theorien oder Governance als Theorie? Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Berlin, 85-110.
- Sydow, J./Lerch, F. (2007): Pfade der Netzwerkentwicklung im Feld optischer Technologien – Die Region Berlin-Brandenburg zwischen Emergenz und Planung. In: Berghoff, H./Sydow, J. (Hrsg.): Unternehmerische Netzwerke. Kohlhammer, 197-232.
Duschek, S./Lerch, F./Sydow, J. (2010): Netzwerkberatung in Clustern. In: Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung – Zeitschrift für Angewandte Sozialpsychologie 41 (2), (zur Publikation angenommen).
Lerch, F./Sydow, J./Duschek, S. (2010): Beyond the organizational focus: Network consulting in regional clusters. In: Buono, A. (Ed.): The Changing Paradigm of Consulting: Adjusting to the Fast-Paced World. Vol 13. Research in Management Consulting series. Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, N.C. (forthcoming).
Riediger, M./Lerch, F. (2011): Europäischer Stresstest für Banken – Transparenz als Mittel zur Überwindung der Krise? In: Heyd, R./Beyer, M. (Hrsg.): Anwendungsmöglichkeiten betriebswirtschaftlicher Theorien in der Finanzwirtschaft – Prinzipal-Agenten-Theorie. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin und München (forthcoming).
Further publications
- Dürr, A./Fichter, M./Korthals, K./Lerch, F./Manning, S./Roberts, A./Staeglich, D./Sydow, J./Wachsen, C. (2001): Soziale Verantwortlichkeit in globalen Produktionsnetzwerken: Erkenntnisse aus der Bekleidungsindustrie. Publication on Demand
- Lerch, F. (2005): Chancen und Herausforderungen von Unternehmensnetzwerken - Überblick aus Sicht der Wissenschaft. In: VDI/VDE Innovation und Technik (Hrsg.): Fachkräfte in der Mikrosystemtechnik. Investitionen mit Perspektive. Teltow, 28-31.
- Sydow, J./Windeler, A./Lerch, F. (2007): Bewertung und Begleitung der Netzwerkentwicklung von OpTecBB - Abschlussbericht. Berlin.
- Lerch, F. (2007): Wissenschaftliche Studie zur OpTecBB-Netzwerkentwicklung. In: Photonik. Fachzeitschrift für optische Technologien. 39 (4), 36-37.
- Lerch, F./Kutsenko, D./Mallach, R. (2007): Potential to Network Innovative Clusters in the Baltic Metropolises Regions - Present State and Perspectives. Presentation at the TSB Innovationsagentur Berlin Workshop "Transnational Cluster Alliances - Connecting Neighbours in the Baltic Sea Region. 13. November 2007 in Berlin.
Sydow, J./Lerch, F./Tadesse, C. (2007): Branchenstrategie zur Unterstützung des Branchenkompetenzfeldes Optik im Land Brandenburg. Unveröffentlichte Bestandsanalyse und Studie im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Wirtschaft im Land Brandenburg.
- Lerch, F./Sydow, J. (2008): Netzwerke im Photonik-Cluster in Berlin-Brandenburg. In: Branchenbericht 2008/2009 Optische Technologien und Mikrosystemtechnik Berlin-Brandenburg. Herausgegeben von der TSB Innovationsagentur Berlin GmbH, 32-39.
- Lerch, F. (2008): Geschichte der optischen Industrie in Berlin-Brandenburg. In: Branchenbericht 2008/2009 Optische Technologien und Mikrosystemtechnik Berlin-Brandenburg. Herausgegeben von der TSB Innovationsagentur Berlin GmbH, 40-37.
Duschek, S./Lerch, F./Müller-Seitz, G./Okute, A. (2010): Statistical Analysis of Competence Networks Germany. In: Meier zu Köcker, G. (Ed.): Clusters in Germany. An Empirical Based Insight View on Emergence, Financing, Management and Competitiveness of the Most Innovative Clusters in Germany. Institute for Innovation and Technology, Berlin, 33-37.
Lerch, F. (2010): Die Historie der Laserentwicklung in Berlin. In: Report 2010 Lasertechnik Berlin-Brandenburg. Herausgegeben von der TSB Innovationsagentur Berlin GmbH, 20-23.
Lerch, F. (2010): Analyse der Vernetzung im Handlungsfeld Lasertechnik in Berlin-Brandenburg – Beziehungen, Wertschöpfung, Patente. In: Report 2010 Lasertechnik Berlin-Brandenburg. Herausgegeben von der TSB Innovationsagentur Berlin GmbH, 16-19.
Paper presentations at conferences (selection)
- Lerch, F. (2005): The co-evolution of networks and their environment. The case of Photonics. Paper presentation at the 21st EGOS Colloquium, Berlin.
- Blümel, C./Heidler, R./Lerch, F. (2006): Struktur vor Entscheidung. Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion der Governance am Beispiel der Blockmodellanalyse eines interorganisationalen Netzwerkes. Paper presentation at the Governance-Workshop of the Graduiertenkolleg Modern Governance, Universität Potsdam.
- Sydow, J./Lerch, F. (2006): Pfade der Netzwerkentwicklung im Feld optischer Technologien – Die Region Berlin-Brandenburg zwischen Emergenz und Planung. Paper presentation at the 29. Wissenschaftliches Symposium der Gesellschaft für Unternehmensgeschichte (GUG): „Unternehmerische Netzwerke. Eine historische Organisationsform mit Zukunft?“, October 12-13, 2006, Stuttgart.
- Lerch, F./Sydow, J./Provan, K.G. (2006), Cliques within Clusters: Multi-dimensional Network Integration and Innovation Activities. Paper presentation at the 22nd EGOS Colloquium, July 6-8, 2006, Bergen, Norway.
- Sydow, J./Lerch, F./Huxham, C./Hibbert, P. (2007): On Leading (in) Clusters – Insights into Leadership Processes in Photonics Clusters. Paper presentation at the International Workshop of the Cardiff Organization Research Group (CORGies) & the Advanced Institute of Management Research (AIM) “Making Connections: Relational Analysis, Boundary Concepts and the Future of Organization Studies“, 2nd and 3rd April 2007 in Cardiff, Whales, U.K.
- Huxham, C. /Hibbert, P./Sydow, J./Lerch, F. (2007): Clusters as Obstructed Collaboration: Barriers to Local Process Learning. Paper presentation at the EURAM Conference, May 17-19, Paris, France.
- Lerch, F./Provan, K.G./Sydow, J.(2007): Network Integration in Regional Clusters and Firm Performance – A Comparison of Measures. Paper presentation at the 23rd EGOS Colloquium, 5-7 July 2007 in Vienna, Austria.
- Sydow, J./Lerch, F./Huxham, C./Hibbert, P. (2007): Leadership of Clusters… or Clusters of Leadership? Paper presentation at the British Academy of Management Conference, 11-13 September 2007 in Warwick, U.K.
- Sydow, J./Lerch, F./Staber, U. (2007): Emergence and Planning in Path Dependency: The Case of the Berlin-Brandenburg Optic Technologies Cluster. Paper presentation at the Workshop “Regional technological and industrial trajectories – Theoretical background and empirical observations” at the Max Planck Institute of Economics hosted by the Evolutionary Economics Group, 27.-29. September 2007 in Jena.
- Lerch, F./Sydow, J./Huxham, C./Hibbert, P. (2007): Leadership in Clusters – A Comparison of four Photonics Clusters. Paper presentation at the 2007 Cluster Conference of The Competitiveness Institute (TCI) 09. October 2007 in Portland, Oregon, USA.
- Kutsenko, D./Lerch, F. (2008): Cluster alliances from a knowledge-based perspective: A comparison of three alliances. Paper presentation at the Regional Studies Association Workshop on “Sub-national collaboration for regional development: the role of networking among regions”, 13-14 June 2008 in Pisa, Italy.
- Lerch, F./Provan, K.G./Sydow, J. (2008): Network Integration in Regional Clusters and Firm Innovation – A Comparison of Measures. Paper presentation at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 8-13 August 2008 in Anaheim, California, USA.
- Hibbert, P., Huxham, C., Sydow, J. and Lerch, F. (2008) Barriers to Process Learning in Clusters: Concentration and Confusion. Paper presentation at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 8-13 August 2008 in Anaheim, California, USA.
- Lerch, F./Sydow, J./Duschek, S. (2009): Network consulting in regional clusters. Paper presentation at the 4th International Conference on Management Consulting “The Changing Paradigm of Consulting” organized by the Academy of Management’s Management Consultancy Division (MCD), Vienna, Austria, June 11-13, 2009.
- Lerch, F./Wagner, R. (2010): Technology transfer and absorptive capacity – Processual insights from four cases in optics in the U.S. and Germany. Paper presentation at the EURAM Conference, May 19-22, Rome, Italy.
- Lerch, F./Wagner, R./Müller-Seits, G. (2010): Technology transfer and absorptive capacity – Processual insights from four cases in optics in the U.S. and Germany. Paper presentation at the OLKC Conference, June 03-05, Boston, Ma., U.S.A.
- Wilhelm, M./Lerch, F. (2010): Coopetitive innovation scouting – Comparing practices of the Network of Automotive Excellence and a strategic OEM-supplier network in Germany. Paper presentation at the Gerpisa Colloquium, June 9-11, Berlin/Wolfsburg, Germany.
- Lerch, F./Müller-Seitz, G. (2010): Network Absorptive Capacity: An Interorganizational Practice-based Analysis Regarding the Development of X-ray Technologies. Paper presentation at the 26th EGOS Colloquium, July 1-3, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Duschek, S./Lerch, F. (2010): Co-operative Core Competences – Comparing the Generation of Unique Network Resources in Airport Logistics, Optics and the Automobile Industry in Germany. Paper presentation at the 26th EGOS Colloquium, July 1-3, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Lerch, F. (2010): Netzwerkanalyse am Beispiel des Clusters Optische Technologien in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg. Paper presentation at the Fraunhofer ISI Workshop „Clusterpolitik quo vadis?“, July 5-6, Berlin, Germany.
- Duschek, S./Lerch, F./Niethammer, R. (2010): Integration von KMU in Wertschöpfungspartnerschaften durch netzwerkorientierte Verfahren zur nachhaltigen Generierung von Innovationen – Ein Beispiel aus der deutschen Automobil(zuliefer)industrie. Paper presentation at the net’s work Conference, November, Bielefeld, Germany.
- Müller-Seitz, G./Lerch, F. (2011): Network absorptive capacity via interorganizational practices – A comparative case study in the high-technology industries. Paper presentation at the 11th EURAM Conference, June 1-4, Tallin, Estonia.
- Lerch, F./Wilhelm, M. (2011): How open are Open Innovation networks? A longitudinal analysis of the coopetitive dynamics in the German “Network of Automotive Excellence”. Paper presentation at the 11th EURAM Conference, June 1-4, Tallin, Estonia.
- Sydow, J./Müller-Seitz, G./ Lerch, F. (2011): Practicing Uncertainty in R&D Networks – Explorative Evidence from a Semiconductor Industry Network. Paper presentation at the R&D Management Conference, June 28-30, Norrköping, Sweden.
- Lerch, F./Schüssler, E./Decker, C. (2011): Cluster alliances: Forms of governance. Paper presentation at the 27th EGOS Colloquium, July 7-9, Gothenborg, Sweden.
- Müller-Seitz, G./Sydow, J./Lerch, F. (2011): Tackling technological uncertainty by means of interorganizational stretching practices – Explorative evidence from a semiconductor industry network. Paper presentation at the 27th EGOS Colloquium, July 7-9, Gothenborg, Sweden.
- Cao, X./Lerch, F. (2011): The role of Guanxi in changing corporate environment strategy of localized foreign invested enterprises in China. Paper at the Paper Development Workshop on Strategy as Practice during the 27th EGOS Colloquium, July 7-9, Gothenborg, Sweden.
- Wilhelm, M./Lerch, F. (2011): How open are open innovation networks? Paper presentation at the Academy of Management annual meeting, August 12-16, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Field of Research
Primary research interests:
- Absorptive Capacity
- Technological innovation in regional high-tech clusters
- Network analysis
Further interests
- Innovation systems and technology transfer
- Economic history and history of companies (esp. Photonics in Berlin-Brandenburg and Prussia)