Dr. Ignas Bruder

Garystraße 21
Room Raum 211
14195 Berlin
Room Raum 211
14195 Berlin
Office Hours
Upon request
Research Interests- Social Entrepreneurship
- Corporate Sustainability
- Mission Drift and Practice Drift
- Practices of inter-organizational cooperation
- Integrative Economic Ethics
- Discourse Ethics
- Structuration Theory
- Practice Theory
- Bruder, Ignas (2020): A Social Mission is Not Enough: Reflecting the Normative Foundations of Social Entrepreneurship, In: Journal of Business Ethics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-020-04602-5
- Bruder, Ignas/ Bartosch, Julia (2020): How to Stay Weird – The Normative Subordination of Profits in a Firm Striving for Sustainability, In: Academy of Management Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2020.19518abstract
- Bruder, Ignas (2018): Was macht Social Entrepreneurship aus? Ein Blick auf die Mission allein reicht nicht, in: Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation (zfo), 87(5) 343–349.
Since 10/2016 | Researcher and lecturer at the management department at Freie Universität Berlin, chair for inter-firm cooperation |
01/2016 - 09/2016 | Analyst at FactWorks GmbH in Berlin |
10/2013 - 09/2015 |
Master studies Management & Marketing at Freie Universität Berlin
03/2013-07/2013 | participation in a research project about managerial education with „MeM – Denkfabrik für Wirtschaftsethik e.V.“ |
10/2009 - 03/2013 |
Business studies Business Administration at Freie Universität Berlin