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Guidelines for the assignment of Bachelor and Master theses

Bachelor and Master Theses

General Information

Our chair supervises theses in the following subject areas:

  1. Design of organizational structures and processes at the top management and board level
  2. Decision-making behavior, exercise of power and social influence of top managers and boards of directors 
  3. Effects of organization-theoretical aspects of corporate management on different groups of employees 
  4. Further questions from the fields of organization, organization theory and behavioral strategy, with reference to the top management level.

Within the scope of the subjects supervised by the chair, we supervise empirical, theoretical, as well as theory-based practical work. If you have appropriate cooperation partners, please inform us of your proposal in your application. You are also welcome to suggest your own topics. However, the chair will only assign a topic after a confirmation of supervision.

Theses can be written in German or English.

Information for Bachelor Theses

Prerequisites for the Application

In order to apply, participation in two finalist trainings in the economics library is mandatory:

Finalistenschulung I: Literaturrecherche

Finalistenschulung II: Richtig zitieren

Proof of participation must be provided by the time the thesis is registered.

For the winter semester the application deadline is October 15th.

For the summer semester, please submit your application by April 15.

Application Steps

If you are interested in a bachelor thesis at our professorship (first preference), please note the following points:

  1. Please send your signed application form and relevant documents (in PDF form) to Ruben Anders (ruben.anders[at]fu-berlin.de), taking into account the registration deadlines mentioned above. Please put the course coordinator/"Studiengangkoordination" (studienkoord-bwl@wiwiss.fu-berlin.de) in cc. 
  2. Please enclose a current grade overview using the transcript of records, which you can print out from Campus Management.
  3. You will be informed of your acceptance or rejection via e-mail by the end of October or the end of April. If you are accepted, you will be informed by your supervisor, who will arrange an initial meeting with you.
  4. During the first meeting with your supervisor, you will discuss your assignment and receive introductory literature references. You will also fill in the official form for registering your thesis together and clarify any open organizational questions. By the next individually arranged meeting, you are expected to present an outline of the structure of your thesis in the form of an Exposé (see information below) and develop search terms for a targeted and systematic literature search for discussion with your supervisor.
  5. The completion time of a Bachelor thesis is twelve weeks (according to the new study regulations of 2017) or ten weeks (according to the old study regulations of 2012). You must hand in you thesis before the end of the semester in which you register for it.


1. German or English language

2. Max. 2 pages in A4 format for the main part (Timetable and references should be provided on additional pages)

3. The main part must include:

a. The proposed title of your bachelor thesis

b. A short abstract summarizing your work (ca. 200-300 words), including a clear statement of your research question and how you plan to investigate it

c. A preliminary outline of the structure of your thesis

4. Timetable for your thesis

5. References


We offer all candidates a colloquium for feedback from our chair. Our contact persons will inform you about the specific date.

For the colloquium, you should prepare an approx. 20-minute PowerPoint presentation in which you introduce your work, the current status, and then explain problems that are currently on your mind. After your presentation we will discuss it together. We will allow up to 45 minutes for each candidate.

The colloquium will not be graded and will therefore not be included in the grade of your thesis. In addition, it does not matter how far along you are with your thesis at the time of colloquium. However, your participation in the colloquium is mandatory


For information on submission and in case of illness please consult the website of the examination office.

Contact Persons

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Prof. Dr. Miriam Flickinger (contact person for the master thesis): ls-flickinger[at]wiwiss.fu-berlin.de

Ruben Anders (contact person for the bachelor thesis): ruben.anders[at]fu-berlin.de

Available Theses Topics

For potential topics please contact us!