Professur für Verhaltensökonomie, insb. Neuroökonomie
Prof. Dr. Peter N.C. Mohr
I am currently a Professor and head of the Dahlem International Junior Research Group „Neuroeconomics" at the FU Berlin. After studying Business Administration with a focus on Finance and Marketing, I did my PhD in psychology at the International Max Planck Research School LIFE. My current research interests lie in the fields of neuroeconomics, neuroeconomics and aging, behavioral economics, and decision sciences in general. Specifically, I am interested in how risk processing and decision making under risk are affected by context and age, but also how strategic interactions between different individuals are neurally processed. In this context a special focus of my research lies on the interplay of emotion and cognition as well as on inter-individual differences in subjective perceptions of relevant decision variables like reward expectation, risk, and trust. From a methodological perspective I combine functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), quantitative meta-analyses of fMRI data, and behavioral modeling.