Ökonomie des Wohlfahrtsstaates (Economics of the Welfare State)
Zeit und Ort
Lecture | Tuesday, 10-12 am, lecture hall 106 |
Lecturer: Prof. Schröder | |
Exercise | Thursday, 2-4 pm, lecture hall 104 |
Lecturer: Holger Lüthen |
Consultation hours
Prof. Schröder by appointment
Holger Lüthen by appointment
The course documents will be made available in FU’s blackboard system
18.10.2016 Historical overview
Lit.: Barr, N. (2004), Economics of the Welfare State (4th ed.), Oxford: OUP, Ch. 2.
25.10.2016 Theory of market failure
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2012), Öffentliche Finanzen: Ausgabenpolitik (4. Auflage), Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, S. 19-22 und 60-61.
Teil 1: Insurance
1.11.2016 The welfare state as insurance cover
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2012), Kap.V.
8.11.2016Follow-up of previous lecture
15.11.2016 Market failure for insurance
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2012), Kap.VI.
22.11.2016Follow-up of previous lecture
29.11.2016Public insurance of labour income
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2012), Kap.VII.
6.12.2016Follow-up of previous lecture
Teil 2: Redistribution
13.12.2016The distribution of income and wealth
Lit.: Cowell, F (2011), Measuring Inequality, Third Edition, Oxford University Press, Bönke, T., Corneo, C. and H. Lüthen (2012), Lifetime Earnings Inequality in Germany, CEPR Discussion Paper no. 8929. London, Centre for Economic Policy Research.
3.1.2016 Theorem of Jakobsson and progressive income taxation
Lit.: Jakobsson, U. (1974), On the Measurement of the Degree of Progression, Journal of Public Economics 5, 161-168., Lambert, P. (2001), The Distribution and Redistribution of Income, Third Edition, Manchester University Press., Corneo, G. (2005), The Rise and Likely Fall of the German Income Tax, 1958-2005, CESifo Economic Studies 51, 159-186. Bach, S., Corneo, G. und V. Steiner (2013), Effective Taxation of Top Incomes in Germany, German Economic Review 14, 115-137.
10.1.2017 Equality versus Efficiency
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2012), Kap.VIII.
17.1.2017Follow-up of previous lecture
24.1.2017Public provision of private goods
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2012), Kap.IX.
31.1.2017Follow-up of previous lecture
7.2.2017 The fight against poverty
Lit.: Corneo, G. (2012), Kap.X.
14.2.2017Follow-up of previous lecture